Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open at Night?
10/24/2017 (Permalink)
The difference with the door closed during a fire (inside of room & outside of it- where the fire is)
"Close before you doze" is a slogan that local fire departments are using to raise awareness on something so simple, that could potentially save your life!
- "The simple task of closing your door at night could be life-saving, especially since now you only have just three minutes to get out of a burning home."
- Clio Fire Chief stated that "40 years ago it used it used to be 17 minutes to get out of a burning home, and now it's just 3 minutes."
- Closing your door is one of the top 3 ways, aside from smoke alarms and making an escape plan that fire officials say you should do.
- When you shut the door, it will take the fire and smoke a little longer to go through the door (giving you time to escape)